Dry Ice Core Facility

Overview of Services

The Dry IceFacility provides a variety of dry ice products to investigators across campus for their research and instructional needs. Training is required for the safe handling and transportation of dry ice prior to access being provided to the core.


Kevin Stout Facilities Associate Program Director kstout@nd.edu
Katie Cybulski Research Project manager   kmerz@nd.edu
Melanie DeFord Assistant Vice President for Research mdeford@nd.edu

Location and hours of operation

Hours Location

If trained and an occupant of McCourtney Hall


If trained and NOT an occupant of McCourtney Hall

M-F, 7AM - 6PM

B060 McCourtney Hall

Notre Dame, IN 46556



Name Role Phone Email Location
Kevin Stout
Core Associate


Service list

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Dry Ice (1)
Dry Ice - UCE (1)